Join us for our Party in the Sukkah on Monday

Meet New Friends, Have Some Fun and Maybe Learn Something Too (ie Classes & Events)

The Jewish Learning Experience (JLE) of Bergen County offers classes and events year-round. Join Rabbi Jesse Shore for low-pressure, interactive classes in a warm and welcoming environment. Discuss the weekly Torah portion over a cup of coffee and join Rabbi Jesse every month, in his home, for a discussion on the basics of Judaism. Our mission is to provide people with enough information to make an informed decision about their relationship with Judaism. Join us and get the information you deserve.

We have fun and exciting events for every holiday (even ones you’ve never heard of) throughout the year!

Serving Bergen County and the surrounding areas.

Once Upon a Time…in Bergen County (ie About Us)

Our community of participants is our focus. Once you join The Jewish Learning Experience of Bergen County, you have become part of a community. 

Yes, we study Torah and its concepts. Yes, we blow the shofar on Rosh Hashana and eat matzah on Passover. Yes, we have programming for the major holidays and everything in between. But through it all, we remain committed to showing that Judaim is filled with genuinely nice people who just want to share what we all feel we have been blessed to discover.

Join the Community that is the JLE. Reconnect with your Nation. We can’t wait to greet you.

“Shabbat” or Sabbath…Sounds Familiar

The Jewish Sabbath, otherwise known as Shabbos or shabbat, is at the heart of Jewish life. Shabbat is a weekly holiday that has been observed by Jews since ancient times thousands of years ago. Millions of Jews continue to keep Shabbat today as it remains a relevant practice even in our technologically-advanced world. There are also innumerable Jews who grew up without Shabbat, learned about it as adults, and began observing it in adulthood. Shabbat is often referred to as a “day of rest.”

Have a Huge Impact in Bergen County

The Jewish Learning Experience of Bergen County is doing something unique. In 1986 when the JLE was just getting started, R’ Noach Weinberg of Aish said that if every community had a JLE, we could change the world. We have regular people (non-Rabbi’s) who are taking it upon themselves to go out into the world and teach people about the amazing things Torah Judaism has to offer. The JLE runs on gratitude and volunteering. Make a donation which will go directly towards helping us in our mission to bring local unaffiliated Jews closer to Hashem and Torah.